In her sworn statement, Julie Swetnick made claims that Judge Brett Kavanaugh “consistently engage(d) in excessive drinking and inappropriate contact of a sexual nature with women in the early 1980s.”
Swetnick, in her sworn statement, alleges she “became aware of efforts” in the 1980s by Brett Kavanaugh and his Georgetown Preparatory School classmate Mark Judge, among others, to “spike the punch at house parties I attended with drugs and/or grain alcohol so as to cause girls to lose their inhibitions and their ability to say ‘no.'”
But when asked by NBC News whether she saw Brett Kavanaugh slip substances into drinks at those gatherings, Julie Swetnick said she only witnessed him “by” the punch.
“I saw him giving red solo cups to quite a few girls during that time frame and there was grain punch at those parties,” she said. “I would not take one of those glasses from Mark Kavanaugh — Brett Kavanaugh, excuse me.”
“I saw him around the punch, I won’t say bowls, the punch containers,” Swetnick continued. “I don’t know what he did. But I saw him by them, yes.”
In the interview with NBC news, Julie Swetnick said that while she saw Kavanaugh aggressively hit on women at parties, she denied that she actually witnessed him participate in the rapes. She also said Kavanaugh wasn’t a member of a group of boys who assaulted her during one of these parties.
“I cannot specifically say that he was one of the ones who assaulted me,” Swetnick told Snow. “But, before this happened to me, at that party, I saw Brett Kavanaugh there, I saw Mark Judge, and they were hanging out about where I started to feel disoriented and where the room was and where the other boys were hanging out and laughing.”
She added that Kavanaugh is an “admitted blackout drunk and drug addict.”
Swetnick did not confirm that she saw Kavanaugh spike punch, one of the claims from her affidavit, she instead said that she merely “saw him around punch containers,” and that she wouldn’t have accepted a glass of punch if he were to hand it to her.
“I don’t know what he did,” she added.
Still, Michael Avenatti has insisted that his client has been 100% truthful and has produced four witnesses that he claims can confirm Swetnick’s story.
However, one of those witnesses is dead, the other said they do not remember Julie Swetnick or anything like Swetnick has described. The other two have not yet responded.
Now Swetnick has told a completely different story to what she told under penalty of perjury.
NBC was also unable to corroborate Julie Swetnick’s claims after she also provided the four names to NBC News of people whom she said would confirm her accounts of the parties in the 1980s.
After contacting all four, NBC reported confirmed that one said they did not remember Swetnick, one was dead and two did not respond.
Kate Snow who interviewed Julie
“NBC News, for the record, has not been able to independently verify her claims. There are things she told us on camera that differ from her written statements last week.”
Julie Swetnick’s attorney Michael Avenatti hasn’t offered any evidence or any more information about his client Julie Swetnick’s allegations against Kavanaugh.
And to no one’s surprise, he said in an interview that he doesn’t intend to, despite serious questions being raised about his client’s credibility.
The creepy porn lawyer told CNN on Thursday that it wasn’t his “obligation” to lay out “all the facts and all the evidence right now”.
But despite all this Michael Avenatti still insists that his client is “100% credible.”
During his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, Brett Kavanaugh described Julie Swetnick’s allegations as “a joke.”
Meanwhile, President Trump said on Monday that Julie Swetnick “has very little credibility,” but added that if she has any credibility, she should be interviewed by the FBI. As of Monday, the FBI hadn’t as yet reached out to her or her lawyer Michael Avenatti.