President Trump has made CNN the central focus for his attacks on the media. At his MAGA rallies, supporters are often heard chanting “CNN sucks!”
In the aftermath of the bomb scares, Trump tweeted: “A very big part of the Anger we see today in our society is caused by the purposely false and inaccurate reporting of the Mainstream Media that I refer to as Fake News.”
On MediaBuzz Sunday, Howard Kurtz, said that he’s seeing “very little self-reflection” from the mainstream media in their role rewarding “divisive rhetoric.”
Conservative writer Emily Jashinsky first pointed out that “obviously CNN was the victim this week.”
“But when you see at rallies people chanting CNN sucks — I would never do it personally — but CNN makes no effort to understand why people feel that way,” she remarked.
“They do the opposite, right? They, you know, act like they’re the victims, that they’ve done nothing wrong to deserve this.”
Jashinsky criticized the chyrons that CNN aired this week, one which accused Trump of “inciting” the bomber.
“There’s no room for violence, there’s no room to be sending devices to CNN. It has to stop I hate it,” she said. “But there needs to be some self-reflection.”
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