During an interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace this week, President Trump revealed that Obama, who campaigned against Trump in several s
“I think North Korea’s been very tough because you know we were very close. When I took that over — President Obama right in those two chairs, we sat and talked and he said that’s by far the biggest problem that this country has,” President Trump told Wallace. “And I think we had real decision as to which way to go on North Korea and certainly at least so far I’m very happy with the way we went.”
Trump also took something of a victory lap over former President Barack Obama following news that some of the top candidates Obama had backed in the midterm elections had come up short.
“I won against President Obama and Oprah Winfrey and Michelle Obama in a great state called Georgia for the governor,” Trump said, referring to defeated Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams’ top surrogates. “And it was all stacked against Brian [Kemp], and I was the one that went for Brian, and Brian won.”
“Look at Florida,” Trump continued. “I went down to Florida. [GOP Senate candidate] Rick Scott won, and he won by a lot. I don’t know what happened to all those votes that disappeared at the very end. And if I didn’t put a spotlight on that election before it got down to the 12,500 votes, he would have lost that election, OK? In my opinion he would have lost. They would have taken that election away from him. Rick Scott won Florida.”
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