Stormy Daniels said on Wednesday that her attorney, Michael Avenatti, sued President Trump for defamation without her approval and launched a second fundraising campaign to raise money “without my permission or even my knowledge … and attributing words to me that I never wrote or said.”
Michael Avenatti responded with a statement obtained by Fox News:
” I am and have always been Stormy’s biggest champion. I have personally sacrificed an enormous amount of money, time and energy toward assisting her because I believe in her. I have always been an open book with Stormy as to all aspects of her cases and she knows that. You need only look back at her numerous prior interviews where she states we talk and communicate multiple times every day about her cases.”
“The retention agreement Stormy signed back in February provided that she would pay me $100.00 and that any and all other monies raised via a legal fund would go toward my legal fees and costs,” Avenatti went on. “Instead, the vast majority of the money raised has gone toward her security expenses and similar other expenses. The most recent campaign was simply a refresh of the prior campaign, designed to help defray some of Stormy’s expenses.”
The fundraising appeal on the website CrowdJustice raised $4,785 as of Wednesday evening. However, the fundraising page appeared to have been taken down after the Daily Beast published Stormy Daniels’ statement. The website reported that an earlier fundraiser netted more than $580,000 for Daniels’ expenses earlier this year.
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