Rep. Al Green, D-Texas, issued – what is his third call now – to impeach President Trump.
“I love my country. However, despite the love I have for my country, I cannot overlook a history spanning some four centuries of racism and oppression based on race, color, gender, as well as socioeconomic status. This year marks 400 years since the first documented African slaves were brought to this land,” Al Green said in a statement. “The remedy must be more than talking points about a much-needed conversation concerning bigotry. Because I believe that 400 years of bigotry culminating in the Trump presidency is worthy of impeachment, I will call for a third vote on impeachment regardless of the findings of the Mueller investigation which is unrelated to bigotry. We cannot allow bigotry to go unchecked.”
.@RepAlGreen: "There will be a vote on impeachment regardless as to what the Mueller Commission says."
— CSPAN (@cspan) February 7, 2019
Rep. Al Green constantly calls for the president’s removal from office. It’s pretty much what his platform has become about.
When we allow bigotry to infect the body politic with impunity at the highest level, other levels will expect impunity for their bigotry. Gov. Northam’s refusal to resign for his bigotry is a symptom. Failure to act on Pres. Trump’s bigotry is the problem. #ImpeachmentIsNotDead
— Congressman Al Green (@RepAlGreen) February 7, 2019
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has said that any impeachment effort will
The White House repeatedly has called Green’s efforts “pathetic.”
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