Ever wondered why Jussie Smollett’s fake hate crime sounded familiar?
In 2016 a 20-year-old man admitted he made up a hate crime when he told Malden cops he was harassed by two white men proclaiming it’s “Trump country now.”
In Jussie Smollett’s statement he said the two white men told him “this is MAGA country”
The man in the other case filed a complaint saying when he got off an MBTA bus near Broadway Square in Malden at 10 p.m two white men approached him. They then used a racial slur, made a reference to lynching and warned him this is “Trump country now.”
In Jussie’s
It’s pretty much the same script.
“As a result, it has been determined that the story was completely fabricated,” Malden police Chief Kevin Molis said in a statement. “The alleged victim admitted that he had made up the entire story,” saying he wanted to “raise awareness about things that are going on around the country.”
Jussie Smollett still maintains his innocence despite an investigation by the Chicago PD in which they found Smollett orchestrated his own attack.
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