Did you hear that rumble earlier on? That wasn’t an earthquake. That was hundreds of leftists losing their nuts over a t-shirt sold by Kmart and Sears.
Ashli Babbitt was an Air Force veteran from San Diego who was shot and killed by police as people rushed the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, 2021. She has been the subject of constant media hit jobs and falsely labelled a terrorist and white supremacist.
Sears and Kmart were selling t-shirts that say “Ashli Babbitt American Patriot.”
Now on the sears site, it’s “no longer available”
And Kmart no longer has the T-shirt for sale after backlash on Twitter.
The leftist mob on Twitter was outraged which caused Kmart and Sears to pull the T-shirt from their stores.
Liberals are mentally sick. We need a island to send them all there. So sick of little babies.