4 thoughts on “Couple Charged With Hate Crime After Defacing BLM Mural

  1. Now….”Wait a minute”! We re in America……thousands of insurrectionists, are defacing, & destroying monuments, etc. one couple, try to turn around this madness, & they get arrested?

    What about the “Perps”, that are destroying property? { Liberals, & socialists, rioters, & all around worthless human beings!}

    Yet…….a patriotic couple, try to “un-do”, the damage from these insurrectionists, & they get “arrested”? let’s do a “GO FUND ME”, campaign, & get them “FREE LEGAL HELP”!

  2. EXCUSE ME!?!?! They were just beautifying the street that was wrecked by traitors and democrats. Kudos to them for taking a stand. Patriots for America deserve a medal! Good thing I’m not President, these traitors in government, plants by evil countries [thanks Obumma and demorats] need to be arrested, not innocent Americans who love their country! GOD WILL JUDGE…BEWARE SATAN’S MINIONS! GOD BLESS AMERICANS WHO HAVE THE GUTS TO TAKE A STAND!

  3. So what they’re telling us is, graffiti (vandalism, writing messages on public streets or buildings) is the new art (murals) and is permitted by our Democrat Party-socialist, anti-American, elected officials, on private and public (owned by the We The People tax-payers) property; and actual art (statues); are offensive so they can be removed or defaced? And cover up a street graffiti, and to try to restore normalcy; as in having public streets just for driving, with traffic lines and signs, is considered a civil rights hate crime according to our Marxist, ruling elite, elected officials; who were put in their office by the tax-paying voters to whom the public property belongs? I see now, it’s as clear as mud.

    They see it as an hate-crime to do or say anything offensive, or disparage the “Black Socialist Lives Matter” movement, as they make their moves to destroy the foundations of our country. I guess I must be more sensitive and allow it to happen and not interfere lest I be thought of and accused of being racist. NOT!. The world has certainly flipped on it’s head.

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