As it’s being reported, a group of teens from a Catholic school surrounded Nathan Phillips a Native American man and veteran while shouting: “build the wall” then went on to harass and mock him.
This is what the mainstream media would have you believe and has many on social media spreading.
This has sparked outrage amongst many with the kids from that school now being doxxed across Facebook and Twitter.
Some are reported to be facing suspension as well.
But is the mainstream media narrative exactly what happened?.
No. Of course not, it never is.
What the mainstream media and the people attacking these kids did not show you
If you watch the full
You will also see that the Native American group approaches the kids – who were there for the March for Life rally – about an hour after the kids were already there.
Full video here:
You can also see Phillips approach the kids here:
Nathan Phillips even admits he approached them in an interview with CNN:
The Native American who apparently was being mocked by teens wearing MAGA hats in a viral video says he has “fear for those youth, fear for their future, fear for their souls, their spirit, what they’re going to do to this country.”
— Ana Cabrera (@AnaCabrera) January 20, 2019
“I put myself in the middle”. He says it clear as day. HE approached them. The kids didn’t approach him and surround him.
Another thing to point out is that when the Native American’s were in the group of kids they weren’t being held there
He also wasn’t in a mob of angry kids like he said he was.
More Media Lies
— Jim Hanson (@Uncle_Jimbo) January 20, 2019
There was no #MAGA mob hounding a Native American
Mult Native Americans instigated an incident walking into a peaceful group of kids & taunting one chanting & drumming inches fm his face
No one said “Build the Wall”
& if anything
That kid deserves a peace medal
How was the kid supposed to act? he only stood there staring back. What was he supposed to do?
And no, the kid did not spit in the Native American man’s face despite what you may have heard.
What the media also did not report was this–>
That same group of MAGA kids get harassed by group of Black Men at March for Lives and noone says anything.
— Joey Salads (@JoeySalads) January 19, 2019
They even harass the one black kid for being friends with white people…
Where is the outrage?
WATCH: New video is surfacing online of protesters harassing the Covington Catholic High School students before the incident with Nathan Phillips: #CovingtonCatholic #NathanPhillips
— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) January 21, 2019
The same MAGA kids that are being labeled bigots defended gay rights that day arguing with homophobes: LINK TO VIDEO HERE (go to 7:09).
Also not reported is the moment one of the Native Americans tells the kids to “go back to Europe, this is not your land”
“You white people go back to Europe, this is not your land”
— Nick Monroe (@nickmon1112) January 20, 2019
Joey Salads spoke to one of the kids and found out their intent was not to disrespect the Native Americans:
Just finished talking with Kids who were at the protest.
— Joey Salads (@JoeySalads) January 19, 2019
They were there for “March for Lives” not protesting against Native Americans.
Read their responses.
The Hodge Twins give a good perspective of what really happened as well:
Our response to Kentucky High School teens in MAGA Hats Harassed a Native American Vietnam Veteran #fakenews #MAGA #MAGAhats
— HodgeTwins (@hodgetwins) January 20, 2019
To recap:
Black Israelites yell at Natives.
MAGA students are waiting for the
The Native American group approached the kids in the MAGA hats and drums and chants
The kids didn’t verbally abuse the Native Americans or physically abuse them.
The kids didn’t surround the Native Americans so they couldn’t get out.
Other native gets in argument with a student tells them to go back to Europe.
Natives then leave.
Black Israelites start saying homophobic things
MAGA kids defend gay rights.
Unlike this situation were a vet was harassed and physically abused:
Where was the outrage when these liberal teenagers bullied & hit an elderly man?
— Terrence K. Williams (@w_terrence) January 20, 2019
He walked up to the MAGA kids &
atleast they didn’t hit like the LIB kids
DOUBLE STANDARDS! #CovingtonCatholicHighSchool #NathanPhillips #OmahaNation #IndigenousPeoplesMarch #MAGA #DACA
No media outrage and was completely ignored.
One of the troubling parts about all of this is the school the kids attend — before investigating — issued a statement condemning their own students and saying they may be expelled.
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