8 thoughts on “New law allows children to be taken away if parents don’t accept kids gender identity

  1. Don’t worry, the crazy former Ontario Liberal government was trounced last month and with its demise so goes this ridiculous piece of PC trash.

    But it does serve notice that politicians do make decisions and that elections do have consequences.

  2. NO government should be allowed to remove children from parents! ONLY ONLY in extreme situations as proven through court proceedings such as physical abuse. Parents are innocent till proven guilty. Too many times do gooder progressive bureaucrats push government regulations to create issues within the home.

  3. Aside from Fruity Justin…I actually like Canadians. They’re friendly, good people. Sadly, they’re leaning as hard Left as Britain is. I don’t understand why Socialists think that taking more and more freedom is good. Well…I totally understand why the GOVERNMENTS think that the loss of personal freedom is good…but I don’t get why the Brits and Canadians aren’t FIGHTING it instead of laying down for it. Seems crazy to survive the impending tyranny of the Nazis and to (kind of) become independent of England…and then oppress your OWN people in their OWN country! It’s ludicrous!

  4. This will backfire on the liberals, not only with voters but also with the kids. The kids will learn first hand how they’re treated by the government rather than by their parents. I expect they won’t like it after they find out. It’s called being mugged by reality.

  5. Under the law a child is not competent to consent to a single sex act. But now he is competent to define his entire sexual identity. It is impossible to reconcile these two concepts.

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