4 thoughts on “Couple Charged With Hate Crime After Defacing BLM Mural

  1. Now….”Wait a minute”! We re in America……thousands of insurrectionists, are defacing, & destroying monuments, etc. one couple, try to turn around this madness, & they get arrested?

    What about the “Perps”, that are destroying property? { Liberals, & socialists, rioters, & all around worthless human beings!}

    Yet…….a patriotic couple, try to “un-do”, the damage from these insurrectionists, & they get “arrested”? let’s do a “GO FUND ME”, campaign, & get them “FREE LEGAL HELP”!

  2. EXCUSE ME!?!?! They were just beautifying the street that was wrecked by traitors and democrats. Kudos to them for taking a stand. Patriots for America deserve a medal! Good thing I’m not President, these traitors in government, plants by evil countries [thanks Obumma and demorats] need to be arrested, not innocent Americans who love their country! GOD WILL JUDGE…BEWARE SATAN’S MINIONS! GOD BLESS AMERICANS WHO HAVE THE GUTS TO TAKE A STAND!

  3. Right. And does that mean other gang’s “murals” (aka graffiti) are protected?

  4. So what they’re telling us is, graffiti (vandalism, writing messages on public streets or buildings) is the new art (murals) and is permitted by our Democrat Party-socialist, anti-American, elected officials, on private and public (owned by the We The People tax-payers) property; and actual art (statues); are offensive so they can be removed or defaced? And cover up a street graffiti, and to try to restore normalcy; as in having public streets just for driving, with traffic lines and signs, is considered a civil rights hate crime according to our Marxist, ruling elite, elected officials; who were put in their office by the tax-paying voters to whom the public property belongs? I see now, it’s as clear as mud.

    They see it as an hate-crime to do or say anything offensive, or disparage the “Black Socialist Lives Matter” movement, as they make their moves to destroy the foundations of our country. I guess I must be more sensitive and allow it to happen and not interfere lest I be thought of and accused of being racist. NOT!. The world has certainly flipped on it’s head.

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